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To create a Britannica Usage Statistics report, simply follow the instructions below:

  1. In the drop-down box labeled "Please select an account to view," click to select the consortium or institution for which you want a report, or select "ALL ACCOUNTS" to report on all institutions within your consortium.
  2. In the area labeled "Please select a report type to view," click the button next to the desired report type (Daily, Hourly, Monthly, or Yearly).
  3. In the area labeled "Start Date," use the drop-down boxes to select the starting month, day, and year of the time range for which you wish to view usage statistics.
  4. In the area labeled "End Date," use the drop-down boxes to select the ending month, day, and year of the time range for which you wish to view usage statistics. Please note the following: 
    If no End Date is selected, the Current Date will be used in its place. 
    The Year in the End Date must not be greater than the current year.
  5. Click the View Report button.
The View Report button will trigger a pop-up window the first time you attempt to view the report. The pop-up window will prompt you to either open the report or save it. If you choose to open the report, it will open in Microsoft Excel. If you choose to save it, you will be prompted to choose a location to save the file to (for example, your Desktop).

If you do not have Microsoft Excel or you have not associated the Excel program to this file type, you must now associate this file type with a spreadsheet application, such as Excel or Lotus, in order to open it.

To associate the file with the appropriate application, follow these steps:

    • Click on the Pick App button from the pop-up window that appears when you try to open the file.
    • Click on the Browse button.
    • Locate your spreadsheet program and click on it (your program file will end with the extension "exe"). 
      Note: If you are using Excel, the program file is normally located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\excel.exe. If you are using Lotus 123, the program is normally located at C:\lotsuite\123r5w\programs\123w.exe.
    • Your spreadsheet application will now automatically start up every time that you click on View Report.

    If you do not have a spreadsheet application, please open the file with a text editor such as Microsoft Word or Wordpad.

    If you view the report within your browser window, you may then save the file (to your Desktop or elsewhere) by clicking the File menu on your browser and selecting the Save As option from the menu.

Additional Usage Statistics Notes:

  • Usage of "Related Internet Links" is not counted in the usage figures, since these sites are not located on the Britannica Online server.

("Related Internet Link" = a link to an outside website relevant to a Britannica article)